you should know about web defacement?
defacement is an attack on a website that changes the visual appearance of the
original site. These are typically the work of system crackers, who break into
a web server and replace the hosted website with one of their own. Defacement
is generally meant as a kind of electronic graffiti, although recently it has
become a means to spread messages by politically motivated "cyber
protesters" or hacktivists.
today's web defacements are more than just a graffiti or hactivism as attackers
do it as a starting milestone causing more serious computer security problems
like botnets, phishing, spams, malware hosting and so on. Your web application
vulnerabilities exploited as a mean to own a number of compromised hosts to do
evil internet activities and most of them are illegal profit making.
generic solution for web defacement problems like restoring the web application
backups without identifying the root cause of the defacement or some simply do
not bother at all, is highly NOT recommended. Most of the defacement problems
today are caused by poorly coded web applications and attackers managed to
exploit vulnerabilities in popular web applications or plug-ins like in Joomla
CMS. In some cases, the web defacement are caused by typical human factor like
weak password enforcement policy and ignorance of system updates/patches.
Solving the problem of web defacement by restoring backups would not solve the
actual problem because the vulnerability remains and the probability of
compromise reoccur is high.
certain extent, you will never know your web application was compromised as no
defacement on any page identified.
you should do about the defacement?
most common and immediate solution for handling defaced website is by bringing
the website offline temporarily to contain the incident from further damage.
The offline duration can be utilized to troubleshoot, analyze and rectify the
problems. However, it is up to your upper management decision and
organizational policy in order for you to do that. You should consult both
references before taking any actions to perform anything that affect uptime of
the compromised system.
below are generic guidelines on how to act and handle web defacement incidents
in organization. As this is the general guidelines, most of the steps are
relevant to most platforms. Your milestone may vary.
Defacement - Incident Handling Steps (Unix/Linux/BSD)
Defacement - Incident Handling Steps (Windows)
is up next?
are just more than literally having them to do business, to portray the image
of an organization and keeping information flow freely on the internet.
Websites must be maintained and taken care according to standard security
practices. Else, it may end up as a botnet zombie, a fame to yet another
infamous crackers and script kiddies on the internet. Periodical maintenance is
crucial to ensure web server security remains intact, reduce downtime and avoid
system compromise hassles.
Source : ww.mycert.org.my
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